The Main Purpose

/The Main Purpose
The Main Purpose 2018-08-15T03:12:05+00:00

The Technical Description (AFA/SDG)

Technically,  Beamset stands as a translator of equality and/or a translator of “access for all” (AFA) using digital and non-digital practices and applications.

The Main Purpose

Beamset’s main purpose is to translate, design, innovate and advance present and future solutions for equality (E=Solution). We embody translational equality of “access for all” (AFA), along with global direction, meaning and agenda, as described below:

A. Global Direction
One of the most challenging, yet inspiring global goals is the translation and application of equality into systematic and effective practice. This global direction is essential for sustaining progress and improving the well-being of both present and future  generations.

B. Global Meaning
The new meaning of global equality is “access for all” (AFA), in terms of social, environmental and economic developments. The interconnection of equality and sustainability is a core global value of significance, economic opportunity and sustained progress into the future.

C. Global Agenda
In 2015, a new global agenda was created, positioning equality at the forefront of the mainstream eye: In September 2015, the United Nations released an informative  and transformative agenda, called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with SDG-10 being designated for equality.

Equality became the core value of the SDGs, with having “access for all” (AFA) being purposefully expressed in 11 of the 17 SDG. The 17 SDGs also proclaimed equality essential for sustainability of present and future generations.